AgriAI: Deep Learning in Indian Agriculture

Since the advent of 20th century, electricity became the main source of invention in every major industry ranging from transportation and manufacturing to healthcare and communications, writes GS Naveen Kumar on Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing the same big transformation across all the major industries. The part of AI that is rapidly growing and which is driving most of these transformations is Deep Learning. Today, Deep Learning has become one of the most sought after skills in the technology world.

Agriculture is one industry where Deep Learning scientists and researchers are working with farmers to help them with their produce. The resources for farming like water, fertilizers, agricultural land etc. are becoming scarce day by day. The growth of urbanization has seen a decline in the area of arable lands in developing countries since the mid-eighties. As the resources are becoming scarcer scientists are using Deep Learning to help farmers make a better and more efficient use of the remaining resources.


Uttar Pradesh has the largest farmer population in India. The harsh weather conditions, water scarcity, floods, procurement of land by Government to build National Highways and Expressways etc. has resulted in a decline of crop production in the state. Government can use Deep Learning to help farmers improve their produce every year. Deep learning has resulted in:

  • Improved Efficiency of Farmers
  • Identifying Crop Diseases
  • Reduction of Pesticide usage



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