GPS Companies Participate In FCC Workshop

Several representatives from member companies of the GPS Innovation Alliance participated late last week in panel discussions at an all-day FCC workshop on “GPS Protection and Receiver Performance.” One of the top priorities of the GPS Innovation Alliance is to protect and promote the global positioning system, one of the most ubiquitous technologies in the world.

In a statement from the GPS Innovation Alliance, member companies indicated that they applaud the FCC for convening a wide range of stakeholders interested in the protection and responsible stewardship of GPS.


“The FCC’s workshop highlights how GPS and GPS-reliant technologies and location-based services are deeply embedded in the everyday lives of all consumers, in critical private sector industries from agriculture to aviation to mobile broadband communications, and in essential government activities from emergency response to national defense,” said Jim Kirkland on behalf of the Alliance. “Just like the internet, communications networks, and power grids it helps to power and manage, the GPS-based ecosystem is vast, complex, and highly distributed, and the precise timing and location awareness that GPS enables are now essential parts of the central nervous system of our nation’s economy.”

All members of the GPS Innovation Alliance look forward to working closely with the FCC and other government and private sector stakeholders to ensure that the ecosystem is free from interference and that the security and survivability of critical GPS-based systems are responsibly addressed through robust public-private collaboration and shared leadership, he continued.


The GPS Innovation Alliance is committed to furthering GPS innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, and seeks to protect, promote and enhance the use of GPS. For more information, visit

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